Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That didn't last long.

Well, I was laid off in March. My boss said just try to hold on this won't be forever. In the meantime I worked 2 part time jobs. In may he started... I think I will be able to bring you back in a few weeks. (I was working there 1 morning a week.) Then...June, July, August, September....Ok I want you to come back. I need you full time in October! Finally!!!! I was broke! I had been through I want you to help with my NEW business, I want you to sell....I want you to do both, no new sell...Finally It was sell...full time with a smaller base and commission. Fine I needed the security of a regular paycheck. So I start...My first day I say I am going to lunch (3:00 pm...had been there since 8:30 am) He says might as well go home it isn't like you are getting paid to be here...What!!??? So I go to lunch and come back ( had an appt. for a sale) then I ask him before he leaves for the weekend...what do you mean...He says JUST SELL!!! Monday, after a sleepless weekend, I come back and he tells me I can just come in 4 hours a day and just get commission...I am hot at this point, but I figure it is better than nothing....a week later after this he calls one evening to tell me one company won't let him run the no job for me...What???? Make up my mind!!!
The man is a nice boss when I worked the last 3 years for him. understanding...for the most part. He even asked me before starting his new venture, concerned that he would let me down by not keeping his other opened full time.
I am just so frustrated...and broke. What is up with people today. He said he wanted to help me, he didn't want to lose a good employee...well...I don't want to lose my water or electric.
Got an interview that day...another commission only job..."will be slow at first" gggrrreeeaaattt. I need money now, and I am sick of sales!
ok, Maybe if I hide under a rock for the next few weeks the bill collectors won't find me. who needs water anyway...LOL JK

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's up with that?

It is ironic. It seems I either have time OR money. Never both. I either have time to do all the things I want to do but have no money to do any of them OR I have enough money to do a few things but no time whatsoever to get them done. Today however I have neither! LOL.
How can people do it. I work my pants off. I have 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs and still can't make ends meet.
After paying for the bad habits, food for teenagers, travel for work and school, regular bills, emergencies, senior year for 2 high schooler's...(incl. pics, gowns, proms, rings, help in fundraisers, senior trip, invitations, grad party, grad present,......) Insurance, and all the other Necessities.....I have nothing left....who am I kidding I have nothing left BEFORE I get done paying for the necessities!
The kids and hubby think I am made of money. The hubby gives me his check to pay bills, he knows what the bills are. Yes I work....and he knows that both our checks barely cover the regular bills....what makes him think I can stretch a dollar to make 1000? I am not super woman!
I have friend that have new houses, new cars, a home full of new furniture and teenagers. How do they do it? I can't seem to get by each month.
No savings, No retirement, very little insurance.....They say you need all these things, but I am not even getting by paycheck to paycheck. How are we suppose to buy insurance when paying for our water is a problem?
Unless I don't sleep at all I can't work any more jobs....OK some help at home would be great too.
I want so much to do for my kids....and I hear..."well Susie's parents got it for her....and she doesn't have to help and she got THESE invitations.....and why do I have to...." I can't answer that I WANT to buy them the best of everything. I want to buy them the cool clothes, new car, the trips abroad. But when faced with ...5000 for a trip or pay for the electric, gas, water, food, car ins, house, and put gas in the car to get to work.....I always have to choose the latter. I feel guilty. I feel like a jerk.
This month I chose to spend some money on the kids. It wasn't much...not even noticeable to them...and now I am short on bills. I get so frustrated! Will I ever get out of this rut? I need a stove(oven is broken) I need some help!!!! I can't work 3 jobs, take care of the bills (2 sets) do all the shopping, all the cleaning, all the cooking, all the child raising, run my own business, and be all the places I have to be all at the same time! Yes I HAVE asked. No was the answer. OK I am done now. Thanks to all who listen to my complaints. My blog is where I vent.